
a day in the life of a girl who loves to shop: breakfast

I've been told countless of times that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and that I shouldn't miss it. Obviously, I'm not a big fan of breakfasts mostly because I can't be bothered to cook myself a meal so early in the morning. But I enjoy breakfast buffets though - all you can eat bacon and fruits, one word: yummy! Among the breakfast buffets I've tried, I liked Oakwood, Manila Peninsula, and Boracay Regency's breakfast buffets.

Today was no breakfast buffet though but this was what I had.

Cereals, yoghurt, pears, and kiwi
Nestle Corn Flakes, Elle & Vire raspberry yoghurt, Emborg brie, a pear and a kiwi

fabulous finds

I love clothes. I find it really hard to turn my back on clothes that fit me really well.

I was waiting for a friend yesterday when I started getting bored. I hate waiting so I decided to visit the Forever 21 store in Megamall to pass time. I like going to that store. I always find something pretty and affordable whenever I pay a visit. The only problem I encounter is that their size Small doesn't always fit me well (and not all styles come in Extra Small so that's a problem).

The Forever 21 store in Megamall is always full of people - of girls, ladies and women going through rack after rack of clothes and of boyfriends and husbands waiting for their partners. (Poor guys, do they know how long it takes a woman to choose clothes in a store THAT big? I bet they're bored to death. Personally, I'd never subject my boyfriend to that kind of torture, really.) I like how the F21 sales personnel never bother you while you're choosing clothes; I feel more comfortable that way.

I like anything that's more affordable than the other items. I like finding items that are really affordable. I'm a sucker for good bargains. It's a given though that they should all look pretty. I have once bought a navy blue jacket for just under Php 500. I wear it to work often and my co-workers think it's worth a lot more than what I actually paid for.

something worth celebrating

Last night, my friend announced that "summer is officially over" having seen it rain cats and dogs. Well, I hope she's right. I love summer but I also love the rainy season.

There's something I find very comforting about the rain. I can't really put my finger on it though - perhaps because I like the indoors more than the outdoors or that I'm just really sentimental.


carefree saturday

This was similar to what I wore yesterday. The red skirt really catches attention. The red skirt I wore was from Forever 21 and the top from Plains and Prints.

carefree saturday

golden feet

Remember the gold flats I bought in Payless, which I mentioned in a previous post? Well, this was approximately how I wore them for the first time.
I used a white tank top and tucked it under a soft denim skirt which had a bow detail on the middle of the waistband. I got that denim skirt from Bayo more than a year ago. It rests naturally on my waistline and gave me a very feminine vibe. Because the airconditioning is full blast in our office, I used a red cardigan which I think made the outfit more alive. To complete the look, I finished it with a delicate gold necklace and a gold bag.
golden feet


the notebook

Before anything else, a note: Pardon my borrowing of your book title, Mr. Nicholas Sparks. This is a happy ending though.

I broke my New Year's Resolution today. I bought a notebook.

I must admit that I'm not a very techy person. I own a few gadgets and love them. I don't usually upgrade my devices unless I feel it's time with the exception of mobile phones prior to my getting a Blackberry. There was a time when I changed phones every quarter. I've tried Nokia, Motorola, LG, and Samsung prior to getting a BB. Whenever I think about that time, I feel a pang of regret for having spent quite a lot on upgrading phones every so often but then again, I consider it as a necessary part of the quest of finding the perfect phone. Just between you and me, if I would ever have to quit BB, I'd go with Samsung. I love their phones too!

I try to know as much as an average non-techie person can take about the gadgets that I have. I know just enough to operate them but not too much that I can speak computer language. I spaced out when the technician today talked about 64-bit and how when I finally get a Windows 7 OS, I should use 64-bit so that I end up seeing 8gb DDR3 memory instead of just 2gb (because he just used 32-bit since I'm just on 30-day trial of Windows 7). I still don't get, it mind you, but at least it's clear to me that the 64-bit - or is it 64-bits - is not something that I have to physically install. FYI, I had to clear that one up with the technician. Haha. The most important thing though is that I always know what I want out of every gadget that I get. I wanted a touch phone, I got one. I wanted an mp3 player that can also allow me to play games, I got an iPod touch. I wanted a camera with idiot-friendly settings, I asked for a Canon point-and-shoot as a gift. So when I decided last Christmas that I wanted to buy a notebook in December 2011, I know what I wanted - I wanted something that's thin, lightweight, with a huge screen (comparatively bigger than my 10" netbook), high memory, and big hard disk drive.

But based on those specs, how did I end up with an MSI FX400?


justice in online shopping

Today, I am sharing good news. While it may not be relevant to everyone (and therefore, not relevant good news) and definitely bad news for one, this is definitely good news for me.

The case I opened in PayPal has already been resolved. I’m just so happy with the news that I had to save a screen shot. Moments like this – when you feel truimphant over winning even on small battles, when you feel that there is fairness and justice in world – while not exactly rare, do not really come that often.

Because I feel overjoyed today, I feel I need to share this story in here.


beauty can be comfortable

The reason I love shopping is because I love having clothes and shoes that look good on me. In essence, I love looking good. Looking good makes me feel good.

Sometime ago, I heard that beauty is pain. Whoever I heard it from said that if you want to look beautiful, you have to be stand the pain or the discomforts that come with it. And I can almost absolutely agree just thinking about the lengths women usually go to just to be more beautiful. Cases in point:
  • Putting on eyeliner
 Maybe this is not true for everybody but I feel absolute discomfort everytime I have to put on eyeliner. Perhaps it has got to do with my small Asian eyes (which I absolutely love, I’m almost a monolid) or that I don’t usually put make-up on.
  • Two words: HIGH heels
It’s not as comfortable walking on 4-inch heels as celebrities and models make it look.  They absolutely look nice and when you choose the right pair of shoes, not only do they add a few extra inches but they also make your legs look longer and sexier. I think it’s heaven-sent to find heels that are made for walking. 


shopping online

I was thinking of a suitable topic for my first post and then thought I should write about online shopping. Isn’t that just apt for a blog entitled A Girl Who Loves to Shop?

I like shopping. It used to be just the thrill of spending my own money while being attended to. But now, it’s more about finding something you like or – if you’re really lucky – something you love and getting it while being treated well. Well, what can I say? My best shopping experiences had made me feel like I’m worth a million bucks. I (would like to) believe that good customer service has become a minimum requirement in the retail industry. Anything that falls short of good customer service is just horrendous, infuriating and just downright unforgivable.

I enjoy going to shop after shop looking for something that will look pretty on me. You see, just because a dress is pretty doesn’t mean that it will look pretty on you. When I choose a dress, it’s not guaranteed that I will walk out of the shop with it because a dress also chooses its wearer. In the same way, a dress might choose me but I might not think it’s pretty. It has to be mutual – unless you have a really good tailor to alter the dress for you. But I am digressing.