about this blog

A Girl Who Loves to Shop
 Musings of a Girl Who Loves to Shop

How did this blog come about? Well, I woke up today and thought that I should write again.
Honestly, I’m not really new to this blogging thing. I started blogging in 2004, nothing of importance to the Internet universe really, because back then I just wrote about my life. It was an online diary triggered by a heartbreak of a budding romance, which I thought then was the most important something in my happy and carefree life. Naturally, as a young lady whose ego has been bruised by a young artistic but rebellious guy (who isn’t attracted to a bad-ass artist when they’re in their teens and early 20s?), I wanted to share my feelings and thoughts with my friends or – to put it bluntly – write about how stupid that rebellious artist was for leaving a wonderful catch like me and how the older woman he left me for was light years away from how marvelous I am.

Soon enough, I got all the compliments and encouragement I needed. Ego in tact once again and having completely gotten over artistic-but-rebellious boy wonder, I moved on to writing about “the real world”, in other words, my entry to the workforce. Amidst the countless of hours I clocked in at work and the full force of stress that rushed on to me like a bullet train, I surprisingly found myself falling in love. In a moment, the torrential downpour of stress no longer mattered because spring had come. The grey, intimidating skyscrapers of the business district where I worked, vanished together with the mean faces of men and women in drab suits who dominated it. In came the sun. Wild flowers of all colors imaginable bloomed. Birds chirped happily, rabbits hopped gleefully, the wind blew gently and I skipped and danced across the field without a care in the world because I was holding the hand of someone who mattered. Everything in the world was perfect. I was madly in love.

And then the music stopped. So abruptly. The chapter ended with no hint of a happy ending, just a period. So I stopped writing. That was in 2009, shamefully because I was heartbroken and bitter and felt no need to publish my loneliness for the entire universe to read.

Isn’t it paradoxical in some sense though, that the reason that triggered me to start blogging was the same reason that drove me to stop blogging? Haha.

But as I said earlier, I woke up today and thought that it’s about time I write again. However, this will be different from the blog I’ve written in my younger years. Firstly, I am writing this just because of me and not because I’m broken hearted or in love – if anything, I’ve recognized how lovable I am and I love myself for who I’ve become, who I am. Secondly, I’m going to write about myself, the things that I love and the things that make me happy; a journey to getting to know myself, if you may. I’m also going to use a pen name because I feel the name ”Camie” really suits me. Finally, because I really enjoy shopping (and sometimes fear that I might be addicted to it), I’m going to write to distract myself so that I won’t always find myself having bought stuff I don’t really need. This might as well be a therapeutic journey to self-discovery.