
shopping online

I was thinking of a suitable topic for my first post and then thought I should write about online shopping. Isn’t that just apt for a blog entitled A Girl Who Loves to Shop?

I like shopping. It used to be just the thrill of spending my own money while being attended to. But now, it’s more about finding something you like or – if you’re really lucky – something you love and getting it while being treated well. Well, what can I say? My best shopping experiences had made me feel like I’m worth a million bucks. I (would like to) believe that good customer service has become a minimum requirement in the retail industry. Anything that falls short of good customer service is just horrendous, infuriating and just downright unforgivable.

I enjoy going to shop after shop looking for something that will look pretty on me. You see, just because a dress is pretty doesn’t mean that it will look pretty on you. When I choose a dress, it’s not guaranteed that I will walk out of the shop with it because a dress also chooses its wearer. In the same way, a dress might choose me but I might not think it’s pretty. It has to be mutual – unless you have a really good tailor to alter the dress for you. But I am digressing.

I’ve recently discovered the joy of online shopping and have recently found something new about myself – I enjoy browsing pages after pages, looking for something I might like or love for myself or for my family and friends. I’ve heard of online shopping for sometime but have resisted trying it because there’s something scary about not dealing with a brick and mortar store. But because I’m naturally curious, I had to try it; admittedly though, only after a friend has successfully purchased something.

I have already purchased several things from eBay and I’m quite happy with how convenient online shopping is. By far, I’ve only encountered one problem with a transaction and PayPal is still looking into my claim at the moment – a month after I’ve opened it. That calls for a separate entry though. I’ve also tried purchasing from an online store in Multiply. My most recent online purchase is from Ready for Rain for a lovely pair of rain boots – a separate entry is in order for this topic. I’m still hesistant about buying clothes online though. So far, I’ve only bought bags, accessories for electronic gadgets, cosmetics and shoes online.

I find online shopping enjoyable especially if the seller treats me well, respects me as a buyer and has excellent customer service. Coupled with the ease of buying without having to drive to a mall, walk from store to store and carry my purchases, it can truly be a fun shopping experience. Personally, I try to stay away from sellers who think that their buyers will trick them. I’ve noticed this in eBay, perhaps because there are a lot of bogus buyers – shame on them. Although I understand the sellers, I just don’t feel comfortable dealing with someone who is suspicious of me. It just doesn’t make you feel good as a customer and I think it goes against excellent customer service. I’m pretty sure there are ways in which you can keep your guards up and be careful as a seller without making your customers feel like you’re considering them as potential thieves, right? Just my two cents’ worth. Shopping for me after all, whether online or offline, is not just about the things that I buy but the experience of being treated well while buying them.

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